
Dr Max Steuer - University of Bratislava
Discussion on expert witnessing and cultural expertise in the social sciences in Czechia and SlovakiaDr...
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Dr Dina Haddad on her experience with K-Peritia
Dr Dina Haddad Acting Vice Chair of K-Peritia Cost Action 22101, Co Leader Theory Group WG1 My experience...
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Professor Gokce Nur Yilmaz on K-Peritia Training in Istanbul 2024
Head of the Department of Computer Engineering TED University, Ankara, Türkiye Professor Gokce Nur Yilmaz...
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Dr Mónika Nogel on her Short Term Scientific Mission
Short Term Scientific Mission 2024 Dr Mónika Nogel visited the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great...
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Ersida Teliti on K-Peritia's opening conference in Oxford 2024
K-Peritia Opening Conference in Oxford 2024 Associate Professor Dr Ersida TELITI Law Faculty, Tirana...
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