Dr Dina Haddad on her experience with K-Peritia

Dr Dina Haddad 
Acting Vice Chair of K-Peritia Cost Action 22101, 
Co Leader Theory Group WG1

My experience at K-Peritia 

Pondering the essence of my roles in the k-Peritia action is by an immensely significant part of my growth and development. Leadership is about collaborative action that is driven by visions and relentless pursuit of knowledge and advancement.

In my roles, first as the Co leader of the theory group WG1 and the Acting Vice Chair of the action, I have offered an excellent and propelling opportunity to deepen my leadership skills and to further advance my ability to determine results and guarantee excellent execution within a set timeframe. The specific context of cultural expertise in K-Peritia is rather exceptional, this is so since the interdisciplinary nature of the concept offered chances of tangible cooperation and sustainable engagement amongst participants/ co leaders of the groups and further structured roles in the action while considering the inclusivity of such an umbrella concept . A number of practical skills became of essential significance while in my leadership role, critical and strategic thinking are pivotal since they make the stepping stone for some further paramount skills such as trust building and adaptability. 

The role of Acting Vice Chair of the action illuminated for me the importance of interrelation and reliability. Relation building with the senior leaders and participants is a constant inspiration. Indeed experienced reading of reality promotes self-awareness and this reciprocates positive influence throughout . This sort of engagement with self-awareness and creativity paves the way for best decision making and problem solving through negotiation of aspects related to each task and each participant. This is substantially provided through mentoring advice by each of the Chair and the Vice Chair of k-Peritia. 

I so look forward to further extend this journey of learning and development and to take part in my turn in delivering the transferable skills of my role and build the capacity within the advancing participants.

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