K-Peritia Opening Conference in Oxford 2024

Associate Professor Dr Ersida TELITI
Law Faculty, Tirana University
Participating in K-Peritia, the first COST Action I took part in, is an amazing experience for me. The opening plenary conference, organized in Oxford, UK, surpassed my expectations. The smooth execution of all activities and the enthusiastic atmosphere created a dynamic environment throughout the entire event.
The Cultural Expertise, a novel and unexplored field not only in Albania but across the entire Balkan Region, is an intriguing topic. The wealth of expertise shared during the days in Oxford was impressive and the insights gained have motivated me to disseminate this new knowledge among my students and colleagues in Albania, contributing to the growth of awareness and expertise in our region.
K-Peritia stands out as a remarkable project with the potential to impact the judiciary systems in Western Balkan Countries. The thought-provoking discussions and collaborative efforts witnessed during the conference have convinced me of the transformative power of this initiative and I look forward to witnessing the positive influence it can have on legal systems in my country.
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I had to be part of K-Peritia, and I am excited about the prospect of continued collaboration and attending future events.